Welcome to the latest news update from the School of Public Policy

We are delighted to announce the publication of the third SPP Annual Report. The report covers our teaching, research, alumni engagement activities and events programme between September 2021 and August 2022. The annual report is a chance to reflect on our prestigious community and to celebrate the achievements of the School, its faculty, and its students.


We hope you enjoy reading the report, which can be read online. As ever, we would always welcome any feedback at spp@lse.ac.uk.

Alumni News
Welcome to our new SPP Students

A huge welcome and welcome back to our new and returning SPP students.


In September we welcomed over 250 new students to our Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master of Public Policy (MPP), Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA), Executive Master of Public Policy (EMPP) and MPA double degree programmes. Our new cohort represent over 50 nationalities and a broad range of professional backgrounds and areas of expertise. We are excited to welcome our new students to our growing SPP community of global policy change-makers.   


The SPP Welcome culminated in a panel discussion featuring Dean Professor Andrés Velasco, Associate Dean Professor Tony Travers,  Associate Dean for Extended Education Professor Vanessa Rubio Marquez and co-director of the LSE-Fudan Global Public Policy Research Centre Professor Bingchun Meng discussing ‘ What holds a country together?


As always, we would like to thank all the alumni who joined us for our various Welcome activities - it's a wonderful way to make our new students feel welcome in the community.

Michaelmas Term Alumni Activities
We're looking forward to seeing some of you back at the SPP this term. Our packed alumni events programme this term includes:



‘Finding and Using Internships: What I Wish I’d Known…’

Wednesday 2 November; 1-2PM GMT; Zoom

This Networking Panel invites alumni to share their experiences and answer questions about finding and making the most of internships. Both students and alumni are welcome to attend - please email spp.alumni@lse.ac.uk to attend.




‘Job Searching: What I Wish I’d Known…’

Monday 14 November; 12-1PM GMT; Zoom

This Networking Panel invites alumni to share their experiences and answer questions about job searching. Both students and alumni are welcome to attend - please email spp.alumni@lse.ac.uk to attend.




SPP Speed-Dating: Networking Event
Tuesday 8 November; 6:30 - 8:30PM GMT; Centre Building Ground Floor


Exclusive to SPP alumni, join us for an evening of 'speed dating' networking to make some new connections within our SPP community!


Find out more and register online.




‘Working in Government and Policy: What I Wish I’d Known…’

Wednesday 30 November; 1-2PM GMT; Zoom

This Networking Panel invites alumni to share their experiences and answer questions about working in the government and policy sector. Both students and alumni are welcome to attend - please email spp.alumni@lse.ac.uk to attend.




Festive Alumni Drinks
Thursday 8 December; 6:30 - 9:00PM GMT; Marshall Building Ground Floor


Join us for an evening of festive drinks and friendship to celebrate the end of the term! Further details to follow.

Supporting our Offer Holders
Our alumni community plays a vital role in supporting our current and incoming students by sharing their insights and experiences. If you would like to support our efforts to connect with incoming students and grow the SPP community, please get in touch with SPP Student Recruitment Manager Georgina Whitham at g.whitham@lse.ac.uk.     
Hasti Modi receives Diana Award
SPP alumna Hasti Modi (MPA, 2022) has recently been awarded the Diana Award in recognition of her commitment to environmental and social action work. At the age of 15 Hasti founded an NGO (IGNITE) in her home of Bhavnagar in India, where she mobilised community volunteers to plant and nurture over 130 tree saplings. Since then, she has worked to fundraise and manage tree planting drives in India, France and the UK, and most recently led a team of volunteers at a meeting on carbon negative food systems at COP26 in Glasgow.
'My life's motto is "I am the change I want to see in the world",' says Hasti. ' Once each of us feel the responsibility of making the world a better place on ourselves, I am confident that many problems of the world will be solved. One of the simplest, most refreshing and beneficial action to make the world a better place is of planting and nurturing trees. It will not only yield individual benefits like getting shade and fruits, but also yield societal benefits like reducing temperature and carbon from the atmosphere.'
Congratulations Hasti!
Antonella Bancalari receives Fullbright-Royal Edinburgh Society Award
SPP alumna Antonella Bancalari (MPA, 2016) has recently received a Fullbright-Royal Edinburgh Society Award, allowing her to research at the Economic Growth Center at Yale University.
Having completed a rigorous selection process, Antonella will now be conducting research on fiscal decentralization and the effective delivery of public works in low- and middle-income countries and is looking forward to sharing her research. Congratulations again, Antonella!
Alumni in Action
Meet Victoria Suarez Rubio
Meet our Alumni in Action, Victoria Suarez Rubio! Having taken part in 'the perfect public-policy case study' by studying at the LSE during COVID-19, Victoria then used her SPP connections to begin work at the European Parliament. She's recently started a new role as Head of Cabinet for MEP Eva Poptcheva.
You can read Victoria's story here.
Do you know an alumnus whose story should be shared with the SPP community? It could be a friend, a colleague, someone whose work you admire from afar - it could even be yourself! Drop us a line to recommend the next alumni profile.
Alumni Benefits in the Spotlight

Want to find out more about being an LSE alumnus? Whether you are interested in volunteering for the school, participating in one of our many events, or connecting with the wider alumni community, find out more about the LSE Alumni programme through our Alumni Hub.

Department News
MPP in Data Science for Public Policy

We are pleased to share that SPP’s portfolio of programmes are expanding further this year with the launch of our new MPA in Data Science for Public Policy degree programme. The two-year programme is designed to equip professionals with the core quantitative, analytical and technical tools to address modern policy challenges in a world of big data and rapid technological change.


“The launch of the MPA in Data Science for Public Policy comes at a perfect time," says Dean Andres Velasco. "As the world goes online, there’s an increasingly vast data footprint that can be usefully exploited to improve public services, decision-making, and governance. We are happy to launch a new programme about just that.” 


Applications for our 2023 intake for all of our programmes will open in mid-October - find out more online.


The SPP welcomes a new Academic Director
We are happy to announce that from September 2022, Dr Joana Naritomi will be the new Academic Director of the SPP. The role of SPP Academic Director is a critical one: the post-holder has primary responsibility for the ongoing development of the SPP’s teaching portfolio, shaping the academic and intellectual content of our teaching.

Joana is an Associate Professor in the LSE Department of International Development, as well as a Research Affiliate at BREAD, the CEPR Public Economics and Development Economics programmes, STICERD Public Economics, Institute for Fiscal Studies, International Growth Centre, and a JPAL-LAC Invited Researcher. She has a PhD in Political Economy and Government (Economics) from Harvard University, and her main research interests are Public Economics, Development Economics and Political Economy. 


Joana has already been involved with the SPP’s teaching through our executive masters programmes and through MPA Capstone projects; and we look forward to her becoming more fully involved with the SPP over the course of the academic year.

Professor Alexander Evans joins the SPP
We are delighted to announce that Professor Alexander Evans has joined the SPP as Professor in Practice. Professor Evans is currently the Strategy Director at the UK Cabinet Office.
He will teach two brand-new graduate courses: Anticipatory Policy-Making and Technology, Data Science and Policy. You can learn more about Professor Evans here.
Goodbye, Bob Babajanian
The SPP is bidding a fond farwell to Dr Babken Babajanian, who recently left the SPP to join HelpAge International, focussing on social protection and jobs for older people.
In his five years at the SPP, Bob was MPA Programme Director, ran Capstones, dissertations and policy papers, and supported development and pastoral assistance in the department. Having had such a huge impact on the School, we know many of our alumni will be sorry to see him go!
Bob says: ' I really enjoyed my time at LSE and I am honoured to have been able to support students through my teaching of courses on evidence-informed policy design and social protection. My teaching would not have been successful without my students... I have learned so much from my students personally and I am grateful to them for sharing this journey with me and for making my job interesting and rewarding.
I am saying goodbye to LSE but I do hope that you will stay in touch and that our paths will cross again. You can always get in touch with me through my LinkedIn account. In the meantime, I wish you all the very best in your lives, jobs and future endeavours. Stay well!'
Publications and News
Symbolic Refugee Protection: Explaining Latin America’s Liberal Refugee Laws
Researchers appeal to the nations of the world: Data is a decisive instrument against COVID-19

In a research article for the American Political Science ReviewDr Omar Hammoud-Gallego examines the liberalization of refugee legislation in Latin America.


Dr Yuxi Zhang has co-authored a commentary piece for  Nature Scientific Date: in which scientists from leading research institutes call on the nations of the world to improve data collection on infectious diseases.


You can read more publications from the SPP community on our News page.
SPP Public Events and Podcasts
Michaelmas Term 2022-23

The Future of Liberalism


Thursday 24 November; 6.30-8:00PM GMT


SpeakerZanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist.


Join us for this in-conversation event in which Zanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief of  The Economist, will be joining Andrés Velasco, Dean of the LSE School of Public Policy, to discuss the future of liberalism.


Find out more and register here

Chip War - the battle to control semi-conductors


Monday 24 October, 6:30pm-8:00pm BST


Speaker: Dr Chris Miller, Associate Professor of International History, The Fletcher School.


Join us for this event in which Dr Chris Miller will be discussing his new book,  Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology.

Chip War describes the decades-long battle to control what has emerged as the world’s most critical resource—semiconductor technology—with the West and China increasingly in conflict.  


Find out more and register here


“Pension Policy and Governmentality in China: Manufacturing public compliance” - Book Launch and Reception


Monday 7 November; 6.30-8:00PM GMT


Speakers: Professor Noam Yuchtman (Department of Management), Dr Yan Wang (LSE-Fudan Global Public Policy Hub), Dr Carrie Friese (Depatment of Sociology).


Find out more and register here

How to be a Politician: in conversation with Vince Cable 


Tuesday 15 November, 6:30pm-8:00pm GMT 


Speaker: Sir Vince Cable, Professor in Practice, School of Public Policy at LSE.


Join Vince Cable as he discusses his new book,  How to be a Politician: 2,000 Years of Good (and Bad) Advice, with Andrés Velasco.


Find out more and register here

Thank You for Supporting the SPP

Support from alumni and friends enables us to form a strong and ambitious education community, and is very much appreciated by everyone at the SPP. Whether that be donating financially or through donating your time by volunteering with student support, you are helping us keep the SPP a truly fantastic place to learn.


A particular thanks to everyone who donates financially, either to the SPP or to the wider LSE. Your support helps us do wonderful things for our student community, and we are thrilled to offer an outstanding policy education experience to those who come to our School - everyone at the SPP really appreciates your kindness.


If you are interested in supporting us or would like to find out more, contact us at spp.alumni@lse.ac.uk or visit our website

Stay connected! Keep in touch via our Facebook and LinkedIn Alumni groups, or follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

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